
Neuromuscular Disorders Symptoms

There are various kinds of Neuromuscular Disorders Symptoms, each varying according to the kind of Neuromuscular Disorder the patient is suffering from. This variation in symptoms is essentially because each type of neurological disorder tends to involve a different set of neurons and neurological pathways that further translate into various types of nerves and voluntary muscle groups being affected. However, there are some basic similarities across most of the neurological disorder symptoms. This is largely visible in the form of loss of control over voluntary body movements.

Please note that most of the neurological disorders affect and impair the action of the voluntary muscles of the body. Thus, the patient’s control over his bodily movements, even for basic actions such as blinking the eye, facial expressions and the ability to walk are highly compromised. In nearly every type of neurological disorder, some basic symptoms have been noted that include twitching and cramping of muscles or the feeling of jolt-like movement through the limbs that causes unregulated bodily movement. Some of the most common types of neurological disorders and their related symptoms have been listed below:

1.ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is characterized by extreme difficulty in walking, even for short distances. The problem might first surface as difficulty in planting the feet firmly on the ground. This means that the usual stance of the individual is compromised. Since most of the neurological disorders are progressive in nature, soon this problem matures into difficulty in moving the legs. Other typical symptoms of ALS include trouble in writing wherein the handwriting pattern can deteriorate drastically. Some patients of ALS also suffer from speech problems where their speaking pattern is often referred to as having ‘lazy pronunciation’. The problem in walking is quite understandable since neurological disorders cause large-scale wasting of muscles along with weakening of the joints and ligaments that cause the movements to become uncoordinated. Patients of ALS are most likely to suffer from pains and aches in their limbs apart from unexplained episodes of body stiffening.

2.Multiple Sclerosis or MS is regarded as one of the most typical kinds of neurological disorders symptoms since here the neurons of the affected individual are directly involved. This happens when the myelin sheath of the neurons starts to disintegrate, causing a range of symptoms such as visual disturbances apart from trouble in keeping body balance. The patient is most likely to suffer from repeated falls when trying to walk fast. Many patients of MS also complain about numbness or a typical, prickling-like sensation on their skin that is best interpreted as being stung by pins. MS patients are prone to suffer from some degree of neurological deficit and thus, their memory and thinking patterns are also affected.

3.Peripheral Nerve Diseases are one of the most common causes of neurological disorders. This refers to neurological problems caused by diseases that affect the neurons of the peripheral nerves. An established example of such condition is the CMT or the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease that is one of the rarest of inherited disorders and it affects most of the voluntary muscles of the forearms, feet, legs and hand. The initial symptoms of CMT include the toes being flexed in an unusual manner or the foot developing a highly-arched stance. This leads to unusual walking patterns in toddlers that are sometimes interpreted as bone-development problems. Other symptoms include difficulty in maintaining hand-balance apart from bone abnormalities in the foot. In some rare cases, vision problems and hearing loss have also been noted.

4.Other Neurological Disorders like Myasthenia Gravis and Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) the symptoms are most typical, i.e. those related to problems in walking along with difficulty in controlling the motion of the head and neck. In some cases, breathing problems and swallowing difficulties have also been noted.

While wasting of muscles isn’t painful and noticeable at first, it causes such large scale coordination problems and weakness in the body that performing day-to-day functions becomes a major challenge. Joint deformities, contractures and chronic aches are typical neurological disorders symptoms that cannot be cured with conventional medicine and need a very comprehensive form of medical and personal management.